Nelly Furtado 妮莉費塔朵
All Good Things (Come To An End) (好景不常)

Honestly what would become of me 老實說 什麼才是自己
Don't like reality 真實不是我的話題
It's way too clear to me 對我 那太過清晰
But really life is dandy 但生活是每日的累積
We are what we don't see我們總是看不清自己
Miss everything daydreaming整天在白日夢找東西

Flames to dust 火焰然成灰
Lovers to friends 情人變朋友
Why do all good things come to an end為何好景總不常久

Traveling I always stop at exits 旅行時 我總停在出口
Wondering if I'll stay 思索著是否停留
Young and restless 年輕的愁
Living this way I stress less 這樣活著我也樂的輕鬆
I want to pull away when the dream dies 夢想逝去就讓我撤退
The pain sets in and I don't cry 讓痛襲來 我不流淚
I only feel gravity and I wonder why只剩重力作用 心好累

And he dogs were whistling a new tune 狗也哼唱起新的旋律
barking at the new moon 朝著新月吠吼
hoping it will come soon 希望它快點來 結束這一切

And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling and the clouds were dropping 天空落入雲中
and the rain forgot how to bring salvation 雨滴忘記帶來救贖



Honestly what will become of me
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
Missed everything daydreaming
親愛的 以後要成為怎樣的我?
我不喜歡現實 對我太過於真實
但這就是生活 止息不住
我們都不願看見 能夠錯失在一起作夢
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
美好的ㄧ切 就這麼結束?

Traveling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
旅途上 我總是站在出口站
思索著 下個可以停駐的港口
抹不去的傷痕 我不哭

Well the dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Die die die die die
狗也會對著新月嚷著 哼起旋律
希望新開始的到來 過去就讓它快點過去 已不在了!

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
美好的ㄧ切 就這麼結束?

Well the dogs were barking at a new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.
狗也會對著新月嚷著 哼起旋律
當雨水掉落的這刻起 忘了自己就是拯救主
狗也會對著新月嚷著 哼起旋律
希望新開始的到來 過去就讓它快點過去 已不在了!
    創作者 樂樂公主 的頭像

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